A patient mobile app combined with a modular digital platform for a greater impact
A two-sided digital solution, made to match every patients preferences and trials protocoles.
Why Apo Tech Care ?

Deliver value to patients
With Apo, you offer patients a win-win partnership, where patients engage in your study, while being delivered value to better monitor their disease in the long term.
Improve planning
We have hundreds of ready to use modules and functionalities you might need for your study or Patient Support Program. Help yourself off-the shelf, and build a tailored solution in a few days.

Decrease costs
Our solution is based on building blocks we choose to match your protocole’s needs. It’s easy and instantaneous, you don’t lose time nor lose money, with a pay-per-use model.
Team up with a partner addressing your needs all along the drug life-cycle
Whether you need an ePRO or eDiary for your Phase III trial, or a Patient Support Program to optimize your treatment launch, or collect Real World Evidence in real time to optimize market access, we are on your side.

You are a CRO, scientific society or a Pharmaceutical company willing to support patients starting a new treatment, collect Real World Evidence or reduce costs and delays of your next studies ?
You are a CRO, scientific society or a Pharmaceutical company willing to support patients starting a new treatment, collect Real World Evidence or reduce costs and delays of your next studies ?